Pokemon Go trainer blessed with insanely rare Pikachu catch for 02-22-2022

Alan Bernal
pokemon go pikachu libre 2 22 22

A Pokemon Go trainer had plenty of reason to celebrate February 22 this year after finding an insanely rare Libre Pikachu on the palindrome date.

Days like 2-22-22 don’t come around often, and neither does Luchador Pikachu, as PoGo completionists know. The Pokemon variant has a few requirements to fulfill before even getting a chance to find it and then it’s a matter of sheer luck.

User ‘phatmeese’ showed how he was blessed by the RNG gods after encountering and then catching a Libre Pickachu, which tops out as one of the rarest creatures in the game.

“What a catch on 02-22-2022, they said. “Still feels unreal.” They later added that it was their first encounter after hitting Legend in Go Battle League.

Pokemon Go Libre Pikachu catch

The timing of the trainer’s catch was a fun detail, especially since they had just qualified to even find Libre Pikachu in the first place.

But getting it on the two-rrific date made the catch all the more special. Both the trainer and fellow PoGo community members had the perfect way to commemorate the haul.

“You better rename him Pikatwo,” one player suggested. The new Libre Pikachu owner was all too enthusiastic to oblige since the idea would be a fitting way to mark the unique encounter.

This variation of the world’s most recognizable ‘mon isn’t easy to come by. To even be eligible, Pokemon Go players need to attain Legend status and be max level 25 in the Battle League.

pikachu libre pokemon go
It can feel defeating trying to find then catch a Libre Pikachu in Pokemon Go.

After that, it’s a matter of having enough patience to find it then resilience in trying to keep it inside a Pokeball.

But all the stars aligned for this trainer who is now the owner of a Libre Pikachu with one of the best timestamps of the accomplishment.