Pokemon Go trainer left speechless as 3-year-old spends all their Rare Candies

Philip Trahan
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One Pokemon Go trainer was left speechless after their 3-year-old daughter spent all their Rare Candies evolving a Lickitung.

Pokemon Go has a ton of in-game resources that trainers can accrue over plenty of gameplay hours. These resources can help Pokemon grow or aid them in battle, but many of them are fairly valuable.

One of the most valuable resources in Pokemon Go are Rare Candies, which are items that can be converted into any Candy for any Pokemon. Considering Candies are used to level up Pokemon, they can be incredibly valuable for raising monsters that are rare or hard to catch.

As such, one trainer was left speechless after their 3-year-old daughter ended up using all their Rare Candies to level up a Lickitung.

Pokemon Go fan’s daughter spends all their Rare Candies

A post on the Pokemon Go subreddit detailed the story of what happened. After seeing the Lickitung in their father’s Pokedex, the OP’s daughter wanted to evolve it. Eventually, it seems she decided to take matters into her own hands.

While certainly unfortunate, many other trainers were amused by the father’s misfortune and shared stories of their own about how their own children had sabotaged their own game in various ways.

“Got a 3.5 [year] old and it’s a miracle I haven’t lost all my Stardust. She also adores evolving stuff, especially new shinies. This week she saw the Master Ball and her favorite color is purple. I start sweating every time she holds the phone lmao,” said one Reddit user.

Other trainers with children noted that things got easier after their kids finally got their own Pokemon Go accounts. “My six-year-old finally got his own account… Plot twist, he usually only catches one of each [Pokemon] so he never has enough candy or Stardust to just power them up to revive.”

While it certainly hurts to see all that progress go to waste, at least these parents can bond with their children through fun activities like video games.