Pokemon Go Regice Raid Guide: Weaknesses & best counters

James Busby

The Legendary Regice is back in Pokemon Go as a 5-Star Raid boss, so we’ve got the best counters to take advantage of its weaknesses and add this powerful creature to your collection.

As part of the Generation 3 games’ Legendary Giants, Regice is a formidable Ice-type Pokemon. Its immensely high defense stat can be super beneficial in PvP.

The March 2024 Pokemon Go infographic revealed that Regice would appear in Pokemon Go‘s 5-Star Raids from March 14, 2024, to March 21, 2024, following immediately after Tapu Koko.

If you’re looking to add Regice to your collection, keep reading for everything you need to know about its weaknesses and best counters in the game.


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Regice weaknesses in Pokemon Go

As a pure Ice-type Pokemon, Regice has a few obvious weaknesses you’ll want to exploit: Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel. Focus on bringing Pokemon of these types into battle for the best chance of success.

Remember that Regice and its Ice-type attacks are strong against Dragon, Grass, Ground, and Flying-type Pokemon. Avoid using these types at all costs, as Regice will have no problem defeating them.

Regice counters in Pokemon Go

Here are some of the best counters you can use against Regice:

Mega CharizardMega Charizard YFire Spin & Blast Burn
Mega BlazikenMega BlazikenCounter & Blast Burn
Mega DiancieMega DiancieRock Throw & Rock Slide
Metagross (Shadow)Bullet Punch & Meteor Mash
Rhyperior (Shadow)RhyperiorSmack Down & Rock Wrecker
ReshiramReshiramFire Fang & Fusion Flare
TerrakionTerrakionDouble Kick & Sacred Sword
KeldeoKeldeo in Pokemon GoLow Kick & Sacred Sword
MachampMachampCounter & Dynamic Punch
VolcaronaFire Spin & Overheat

The list we’ve put together includes Legendary, Mega, Shadow, and regular Pokemon so you can take down Regice with whatever you’ve got.

If you don’t have any of the counters listed above, just focus on the ones that share a type and know the proper moveset.

How to get Regice in Pokemon Go

The only way players can get a Regice is through Raid battles, as this Legendary creature does not spawn in the wild or hatch from Eggs.

Luckily for players, Regice will appear as a 5-Star Raid boss from Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 10:00 AM until Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 10:00 AM local time. As with any Legendary, you’ll need to defeat it before you can try to catch it.

regice pokemon

Once you win the battle, you’ll be given a set amount of Premier Balls to throw. Its catch rate is very low, but you can increase your chances of securing it by making excellent throws, using curve balls, and using berries.

Can Regice be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

The good news is that Shiny Regice is currently available in Pokemon Go, but as with any Shiny variation, it won’t be easy to catch, and there aren’t any special methods to increase your chances.

The only way to encounter a Shiny Regice is to take part in as many 5-Star Raid Battles as you can, and hope for the best. You’ll only have an hour, so a lot of this will be down to luck!

That’s everything you need to know about Regice’s weaknesses and the best counters to take it down in Pokemon Go. For more game content, check the list below:

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