Captain Lee wants to do his own Below Deck spin-off series

Michael Gwilliam
captain lee from below deck

Below Deck’s Captain Lee Rosbach may not be returning for Season 11, but the fan-favorite wants Bravo to give him his own spin-off series.

Captain Lee had a rocky Below Deck Season 10 where health issues forced him off the boat and he was replaced by Captain Sandy Yawn for a few episodes.

Although Lee was able to return and end the season on his own terms, he wasn’t invited back for Season 11, but that doesn’t mean that he is gone from Bravo or TV for good.

Recently, Lee revealed that he would still be appearing on Bravo for some new projects and one might even be a Below Deck spin-off show if the Captain has his way.

Captain Lee interested in special Below Deck spin-off

Captain Lee often replies to fans on social media and on June 12, a couple of viewers discussed his departure from the show and his future.

One fan called out Bravo for not inviting Lee back to Season 11 and urged the network to give him his own spin-off.

“If not below deck give him his own! You give crazy housewives & others who are NOT liked spin-offs,” the fan blasted. This resulted in another viewer named Kathie believing that a new show was in the works and wondering if it was confirmed.

Interestingly, the BD Captain saw this interaction and commented on it, but the way he did so seems to imply something could be happening.

“Now Kathie, you know I can’t say. But I wouldn’t be opposed to it,” he said, revealing that he is interested in having his own spin-off show.

Of course, this doesn’t confirm a spin-off is in the works, but this could be a sly wink at things to come. Be sure to keep it locked to Dexerto for all the latest in Below Deck and Reality TV coverage.