Gordon Ramsay’s most heartfelt moment on Kitchen Nightmares

Stephanie Harper
Momma Cherri's Soul Food Shack

Outbursts and arguments occur often on Kitchen Nightmares, but there are still some rare occasions when Gordon Ramsay’s softer side is easy to see.

When viewers turn on episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, they aren’t expecting to witness too many heartfelt moments full of happiness and cheer.

Usually, Kitchen Nightmares episodes are full of raw passion and anger from Gordon Ramsay about the mistakes a restaurant is making regarding their food service.

Still, there have been a handful of times when Gordon has connected with restaurant owners, staff, and clientele in ways that pull at the heartstrings. These are the details about the biggest and most memorable time this has happened on his hit reality TV show.

Gordon Ramsay connected with Momma Cherrie’s Restaurant

Gordon spent time at a restaurant called Momma Cherrie’s Soul Food Shack, and it ended up shocking viewers in a major way. Although Gordon usually has laundry lists of complaints to make about the food being served at every restaurant, he thoroughly enjoyed the food at Momma Cherrie’s.

He was also touched by the fact that the owner was a woman who raised 33 foster children and treated her staff so lovingly. Cherrie served Gordon a plate of hush puppies with pineapple salsa, and he opened up about how he was enjoying every bite.

While Cherrie hid out in the back hoping Gordon liked her food, he was chowing down and dropping compliments left and right. He called her ribs “so tender” and said the plate of food was “phenomenal.”

He added, “This may be the fist time I go back to the kitchen with an empty plate.” Anyone who’s ever seen Kitchen Nightmares knows Gordon never shies away from throwing out plates of food that aren’t up to his standards.

Gordon Ramsay eating food he actually enjoys on Kitchen Nightmares.

The most heartfelt moment of all was when Gordon said eating the food reminded him of being back at home with his own mother. Cherrie got emotional from his compliment and immediately hugged him with gratitude.

Gordon definitely loses his temper when he steps foot into kitchens he deems inadequate, but he’s also capable of heartfelt moments every once in a while.