RHOSLC’s Jen Shah is reportedly making friends with scammer Elizabeth Holmes in prison

Molly Byrne
Elizabeth Holmes and Jen Shah

A representative of Jen Shah gave an update on how the RHOSLC star is doing in prison, having said she’s made friends with Theranos scammer, Elizabeth Holmes.

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Jen Shah made headlines in March 2021 when she was arrested for a telemarketing scheme and scamming the elderly, making millions that were unaccounted for by her multiple businesses.

Fast forward three years before Shah was arrested, and the founder of Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, was also accused of fraud (in a separate case), later being convicted and sent to prison in 2022.

The connection here lies in the fact that both Shah and Holmes are imprisoned in the same facility, the Federal Prison Camp in Bryan, Texas.

Not only are Shah and Holmes located at the same prison, but they have also begun a friendship, spending time together as they both serve their collected years together.

RHOSLC's Jen Shah and Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos have bonded while in Federal prison.
RHOSLC’s Jen Shah and Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos have bonded while at the Federal Prison Camp in Bryan, TX.

Jen Shah’s rep says Shah and Holmes have “changed a lot behind bars”

Though Shah and Holmes made efforts, at first, to dodge their fraud accusations, the two women ended up pleading guilty when their cases were finally taken to court for a conviction.

Shah was accused of scamming the elderly in 2021, she pleaded guilty in 2022 and was sent to prison in Texas for 6.5 years.

As for Holmes, she’s the founder of Theranos, a health tech company that promised their devices only needed a small amount of blood to determine a medical diagnosis, which was later found to be untrue. Holmes was eventually sentenced to 11 years and 3 months, as Theranos’ whole concept was a lie.

Though Shah and Holmes were not friends prior to their imprisonment, Shah’s representative Chris Giovanni told People Magazine that the two have become close, saying that the duo are “both rehabilitating and have bonded over being on this journey of positive change.”

Giovanni continued, “Their situations brought them together, and they have a good understanding of one another. They’re getting through it together.”

Shah isn’t just getting close with Holmes, serving as a friend to her, she’s essentially been a mother figure to the disgraced businesswoman, as Giovanni also told People, “Jen’s given her a lot of advice. She’s even met Elizabeth’s baby and held her.” Giovanni even noted that Shah has been “very loving” to Holmes during their time in prison.

Not only that, but Giovanni made sure to share that both Shah and Holmes have “changed a lot behind bars.” In fact, Shah hosts a workout routine for inmates called “Sha-mazing Abs.” 

Giovanni explained her routine, saying, “Jen gets all the ladies together and they rally behind her while she teaches them fitness moves, and Elizabeth has been there right along with them.”

It was also revealed that Shah graduated from her anger management classes and looks, as Giovanni put it, “reunion-ready.”

Though both Shah and Holmes have multiple years ahead of them in Federal prison, it’s clear that they’ve attempted to make the best of their situations together.