Nintendo “leak” claiming Geno is free Smash Ultimate DLC fighter debunked

Michael Gwilliam
Geno in front of Nintendo logo

Super Mario RPG fans hoping to see Geno come to Super Smash Bros Ultimate had a gimmer of hope in the form of a leak that surfaced online on September 23. Sadly, it turned out to be an edited photo.

An image seemingly taken from one of the Chan-based websites dated July 20 featured a bunch of information that has since been proven untrue.

In it, the “leaker” claims that Kirby Fighters 2 would be released, and Koei Tecmo is working on new Hyrule Warriors based on Breath of the Wild.

Both the latter games were announced after the leak’s supposed post date of July 20, 2020 which make the leak look legitimate.

Geno Smash Ultimate leak
The fake leak confused some fans.

Additionally, the big “leak” included in the post was that Geno would be a Pirahana Plant style bonus character with no stage or songs.

“Geno is the next Smash character but is not Challenger Pack 7,” the supposed leaker added.

As cool as it would be to have Geno in Smash and as a bonus character no less, sadly, the leak was proven to be false.

Amusingly, using the first letter of every line in the post, you get the word “FAKE.” Translator Push DustIn even noted on Twitter that the leak originated on Resetera.

User Lord Vatek posted the image saying: “I did see this posted elsewhere that got Age of Calamity and Kirby Fighters 2 correct in July.”

Later on in the thread, the user came clean admitting that they made the “leak” three hours prior and included the “FAKE” message as a joke.

Fake Nintendo leaks on Resetera
The leak’s creator admitted it was fake.

While the leak is sure to disappoint some Geno fans, for Smash players anxious for the next DLC reveal, they shouldn’t have to wait that much longer.

There have been plenty of clues suggesting that DLC fighter 7 will be dropping late in September or early October, so be sure to keep your eyes open for any news as it develops.