Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 players spot suspicious update to Daredevil easter egg

Brianna Reeves
marvel's spider-man 2 daredevil

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 players noticed a change in one Daredevil easter egg. Now, some think they were “bamboozled.”

In Marvel’s Spider-Man, players could find the offices of Nelson and Murdock while exploring Hell’s Kitchen. A plaque on the door showed the way, but a red eviction notice suggested the business had entered dire straits.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 featured the exact same building and eviction notice, except the sign was missing the Nelson and Murdock lettering. When pressed about whether the change meant anything, Creative Director Bryan Intihar told IGN, “That’s a good question. Stay tuned. Good find, though.”

Naturally, fans assumed this meant Insomniac had a Daredevil-related surprise up its sleeve. The game’s latest patch may have quelled this line of thinking, though.

Daredevil easter egg in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 gets an update

Spider-Man 2’s patch 1.001.004 went live on Wednesday, November 1, ushering in multiple bug fixes and stability improvements. But it seems Insomniac kept silent about another noteworthy change – the Nelson and Murdock sign has returned.

A Redditor named Milkan27 noticed the updated sign upon returning to the law office in Hell’s Kitchen after the patch’s deployment. Something strange occurred between updates, though.

While the letting on the plaque is back, the red eviction notice that featured in Spider-Man PS4 and Spider-Man 2 no longer hangs on the door.

The Redditor thinks Intihar’s recent tease was the Creative Director covering for a mistake. They wrote, “[the sign’s] just there! What about that ‘tease,’ huh? I think we have been bamboozled.”

“They actually forgot,” one person replied in the thread, to which someone else responded with doubt. “There was an eviction notice… and now that’s gone, too. So it’s gotta mean a little something? Don’t want to read into it too hard, though.”

Others chimed in with similar thoughts on the matter. Reads one reply, “I really think it was a bug and didn’t have anything to do with DLC lol.”

Bug or not, this new Daredevil-related development will certainly add to the ongoing conversation about the many easter eggs scattered across Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.