Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 glitch syncs with dialogue to create hilarious clip

Patrick Dane
Screenshot of Harry Osborn in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

An unnerving clip of a bizarre Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 glitch ends up being hilarious when dialogue perfectly explains the situation.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is one of the most impressive technical games on a console. Insomniac’s sequel is one of the most alluring reasons to own a PS5 and is a marvel to look at at times. The fast travel in particular is one of the most exciting technical achievements making it one of the fastest loads you’ll see in all of gaming.

Of course, the game looks gorgeous, with you able to swing through a faithful version of New York City. While doing so, you can hear the funniest conversations too, showing just how much attention to detail there is to the presentation. 

However, the excellent execution can also make the glitches and bugs stand out more. Some have succumbed to the Spider-Men turning into white cubes as they swing around New York, as well as one that let you escape and play as Venom – though both have been patched out for better or for worse.

However, a new bug found by a player is certainly hard to miss, and, when mixed with the right dialogue, is very funny. 

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Harry loses his head

In a Reddit thread posted by user topshottakorr posted a video of a pretty striking bug. This happened in the Coney Island mission towards the middle of the game where Peter, Harry, and Mary-Jane hang out at the fairground. 

The bug comes when Peter turns to Harry, whose head is floating a good foot or two above his shoulders. It’s not quite clear what makes this happen but it’s certainly a sight to behold.

Making the bug even funnier is one of Harry’s lines. After forgetting what color you’re supposed to paint the town, Harry says: “Sorry, my head is all over the place.”

In response to the clip, one user said: “Men will do anything to be over 6 feet”. Another added: “Bro thinks he’s in an MCU movie”, referencing the cinematic universe’s tendency to quip about outrageous situations. 

Of course, it’s worth mentioning that instances of bugs like this are quite rare in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The game is a technical feast most of the time, and bugs like this are always funny to see. A simple reload would fix this issue, so it’s only a small inconvenience.