Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 lets you pet the biggest cat

Patrick Dane
spider-man 2 kraven

A Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 player has discovered perhaps the biggest ‘can you pet the cat’ in games, as there is a tiger you can give some scratches to in New York. 

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has you going up against some of the biggest foes in the hero’s gallery. From Venom, Lizard, and Kraven, there are all sorts of powerful bad guys out to do you some harm. 

Unsurprisingly, in your bouts with Kraven, you’ll find he has an exotic flair. Kraven keeps tigers, and when you wrestle with Dima in the story, you end up subduing it and petting it. This goes alongside other instances of “can you pet the cat?” in games. This trend focuses on your ability to interact and pet cats (or dogs) in titles. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has ratcheted that up with a very big cat indeed. 

However, it’s not just in one story mission you can do this. Indeed, there is a tiger out there in New York you can visit any time you want – as long as you are through most of the game. 

Kraven’s tiger gets relocated later in the game

In a Reddit thread by user JppBrasilSP2018, they point out that the Tiger can be found at Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn. All you have to do is swing over to the enclosure, jump in, and give it a pet, as it sleeps in the back. 

Interestingly, as Redditors point out, this appears to be Kraven’s own tiger, Dima. One Redditor said: “It is Dima, if you keep petting Peter says ‘whos a good Dima?'”.

Another wants Dima to get the Bodega cat treatment. They said: “Dima needs a Spiderman mask like the Bodega cat suit”

You will need to get through a portion of the story first to get this interaction, but it seems, that after certain events, the tiger has been found and relocated to the zoo. This is a nice touch by Insomniac, adding some resolution to Dima’s fate. Also, it makes for an excellent ‘can you pet the cat’, albeit, one that is just a little larger than the average.