Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 players defend Norman Osborn amid story confusion

Brianna Reeves
spider-man 2 norman

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fans have come to Norman Osborn’s defense as some people express confusion about his behavior during the finale.

(Note: Spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 follow.)

The final act of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 centers on Peter, Miles, and MJ trying to find a way to save Harry from the Symbiote. They’ve been told it’s impossible – Venom will take over the world unless the Symbiote is destroyed, Harry included.

Fortunately, the crew manages to accomplish the impossible upon taking Venom out of the equation and rescuing Harry. But Norman Osborn, who begged Spider-Man to save his son, isn’t pleased with the end result.

As soon as the two Spider-Men carry a comatose Harry out of EMF, Norman blames them for his son once more knocking on death’s door. Some fans seem appalled by this turn of events since Norman asked the heroes to intervene. But others believe the long-time Spider-Man foe deserves more grace.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fans come to Norman Osborn’s defense

A Reddit user recently sparked a discussion about Norman Osborn’s behavior at the end of Insomniac’s Spider-Man sequel. To them, Norman’s quick decision to blame Peter and Miles felt “kinda strange.”

“He practically begged Spider-Man to save his son (and surely understood getting him out of that suit was the only way), and Harry was alive,” they added. Some people in the thread agreed, writing it off as an easy way to break Norman so he’d turn into Green Goblin for a hopeful Spider-Man 3.

spider-man 2 norman
Norman and Harry Osborn in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

However, several other fans in the thread said they understand Norman’s reaction. One person explained, “Try being a single parent and potentially losing your only child (yet again), logic and reason go out the window. You’ll blame the first person you see.”

Another Redditor noted that Norman’s likely filled with anxiety because he’s now out of options without the Symbiote. “It’s intentionally illogical because he’s a single father who is clearly having a total breakdown with this whole situation. So much fear and anxiety. All the wealth in the world and some actual alien sh** at his disposal, yet he’s still totally powerless.”

This reasoning for the blame falling on Spider-Man seems to ring true given Norman’s moving response when seeing Harry confined to a hospital bed. But regardless of the finer details, the post-credits scene makes it clear the Spider-Men will have a new threat to deal with soon enough.