Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 uncovers secret out-of-bounds room and it’s creepy

James Lynch
Peter Parker and Miles Morales stand together in Spider-Man 2

A determined Spider-Man 2 player has discovered a frightening out-of-bounds room complete with barbed wire and rusty spikes.

The release of the latest game starring everyone’s favorite Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has taken the industry by storm. It has been an unprecedented success for developer Insomniac Games and Sony Interactive Entertainment, selling over 2.5 million copies in 24 hours and becoming the most successful PlayStation Studios game ever in the process.

Spider-Man 2 is a direct sequel to the first game, following Peter Parker and Miles Morales as they team up to take on Venom. Taking place in an expanded New York City, there are more places than ever for players to explore.

Now, one player has taken this to a new level, finding a creepy room left behind by the developers that was never meant to be accessed by the general public.

The player discovered a spike-filled arena in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man fights an enemy on the streets of New York in Spider-Man 2
One determined player has discovered a hidden room

In a video on YouTube, user clkz uploaded footage of their character reaching the unique and creepy room. Exiting the main map through a glitch on the promenade in the Financial District, they then proceed to swing under most of the map to Greenwich.

There, they discover a pipeline that leads to an inaccessible room. Using the game’s photo mode, the room can be uncovered, and, as can be seen in the clip below, it’s designed in a very unusual way.

The room itself is an arena of sorts, with spikes and barbed wire stopping combatants from escaping. The addition of a throne at the top only adds to its frightening purpose. The severed heads of some notable characters also appear on the wall.

In a post sharing the video on Reddit, many were quick to put forward their theories. One user said: “That is rather brutal. I guess Kraven going after Rhino made complete sense, and Insomniac thought the same. For some reason they decided not to go with it.”

Others pointed out why the room may not be a legitimate part of the game. One noted: “I feel like having someone’s head severed and mounted on a wall might bump up the ESRB rating.”

With millions of players currently slinging their way around the city, more of these secrets will inevitably come to light. Having said that, it’s likely they won’t all be as dark as this one.