How to open the door to Vashtan Wolfe on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Brad Norton
Vashtan Wolfe door in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Exploring Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and wondering how to unlock the closed door standing between you and Vashtan Wolfe? The good news is that you’re in luck. Our full guide on what to do should help you out.

The planet Koboh is among the biggest planets in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, there’s a great deal to see and do. Hidden around almost every corner is a secret Easter Egg or mysterious door, which provides some unique and useful rewards.

One such secret can be found quite early on in the game. By veering off the main path, you may stumble upon a dark room where an NPC berates you from behind a sealed door. This NPC, Vashtan Wolfe, is quite a nifty and deceptive individual.

So if you’re wondering how to open this door and see what’s inside, we’ve got you covered below with all there is to know.

How to open the door to Vashtan Wolfe on Koboh

In order to open the door to Vashtan Wolfe, you need to find and unlock a new gameplay tool for BD-1 in the story and use it on the electrical box in the room to power the door in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Once you have this upgrade, you’ll know what it is when you get it, Cal’s trusty droid companion is then able to fire off a bolt of electricity.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor gameplay

With this unmissable upgrade now acquired, venture back to the cave and look up for a receptor near the ceiling. Fire BD-1’s electricity toward it, and you’ll be treated to a surprise.

Vashtan Wolfe boss fight in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Upon triggering the electrical box up high, Vashtan Wolfe comes out of the woodwork and challenges Cal to a fight. Depending on how far through the game you are, and how many upgrades you’ve acquired along the way, this could be a fairly difficult boss fight or quite simple if you’re returning much later on.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Vashtan Wolfe boss fight

After defeating Vashtan Wolfe, you’ll notice the door was simply baiting you all along. It doesn’t actually open as the electrical charge has opened a chest elsewhere in the room for a nifty reward. Vashtan Wolfe was secretly lying in wait for you to open it for him!

Now that you know everything there is to know about Vashtan Wolfe in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, check out our other guides we’ve conjured for the game:

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