Starfield players impressed by “massive” lighting changes in beta update

Brianna Reeves
Starfield beta update lighting changes

Starfield’s beta update features “massive” changes to the lighting that players seem widely impressed with, so far.

Bethesda Game Studios recently deployed a new Steam Beta patch for Starfield, which features a whole host of fixes and improvements.

The update addresses numerous graphical hiccups, while also improving water reflections, shadows, and lighting. Plus, animals on some planets who shouldn’t have been able to go invisible will no longer sneak up on players.

Interestingly, those who’ve played the Steam Beta seem to be especially in awe of the lighting-related adjustments. A series of screenshots comparing the old to the new showcases just how much lighting can impact an area’s overall mood.

Starfield’s beta update is taking players by surprise

After the beta went live, Reddit user TERABIT uploaded side-by-side gameplay clips comparing Starfield‘s lighting in its current state versus the update. It’s a night and day difference, as the new changes remove the overpowering spotlight effect.

The result is a scene that looks warmer and far more natural. Check it out in the footage below:

Another Reddit user, DinDisco, created a similar post filled with screenshots that show the differences between Starfield’s current build and the beta. Some adjustments seem less drastic than others.

For instance, the lighting tweaks in Madame Sauvage’s Place provide the space with a completely new mood and atmosphere. Meanwhile, similar improvements to areas like the Jemison Mercantile Storeroom may not look as impressive to everyone.

One person said of the Starfield beta update beneath DinDisco’s post, “Holy crap, this isn’t just minor adjustments and some light position tweaks. This affects the entire mood and feel of some of these areas.”

Another amazed user wrote, “Holy sh**, these are massive. They make it look like a different game almost.”

Even those who didn’t have a problem with the lighting previously think the improvements greatly enhance the RPG’s overall look. Reads one such remark, “I actually enjoyed the lighting before, minus the ugly green filter the game has. But this looks so much better.”

As of writing, Bethesda has yet to specify when the patch will exit beta and go live for all players.