Starfield design director hits out at gamers criticizing title with no game dev experience

Eleni Thomas
Starfield critism

Starfield design director Emil Pagliarulo has called out gamers on Twitter in a lengthy thread, expressing his frustration at the major criticism the title has been hit with.

When the Xbox Series S/X first launched, fans of the big green machines were concerned by the lack of first-party exclusive content coming to the platform. The only major Xbox exclusive to release in the first few years of the Xbox Series S/X life was Halo Infinite.

And while the Halo franchise has historically been a big hitter for the company, the lack of content when the game launched as well as many major missing features left fans with a sour taste in their mouth.

Enter Starfield, the giant space opera that was set to be a giant release for Xbox. After years of delays, the game finally launched in 2023. The game quickly broke records for the most number of downloads in one day on the Xbox Game Pass.

Despite this, some fans have been extremely critical of the game online. Particularly after it failed to get a nomination for Game of the Year at the 2023 TGAs.

In light of this, Starfield design director Emil Pagliarulo took to Twitter to share his frustration at all the criticism the game has been hit with over the past few months.

The design director posted a massive thread on the social media platform, breaking down the creative process of making video games and imploring fans to be more understanding of the creative process and all the pieces that go into making a giant AAA title.

“Funny how disconnected some players are from the realities of game development, and yet they speak with complete authority. I mean, I can guess what it takes to make a Hostess Twinkie, but I don’t work in the factory, so what the hell do I really know? Not a lot.”

The director then added that he does understand the sentiment of gamers but still thinks the criticism is unwarranted.

“Part of me really gets it. When you’re a consumer and spend money on things, that gives you the right to complain about those things. I spend a LOT of money on games every year, and sometimes it takes a lot for me not to scream into the internet’s collective consciousness.

“I don’t complain about games on social for two main reasons: 1.) I know how hard it is to make games, and have too much respect for my fellow devs. 2.) I work for a game studio, and it would be uncool and unprofessional for me to do so. But sometimes I want to. Oh boy.”

The director continued, stating, “This isn’t me complaining about my job. I’ve experienced all these things, and will again. It’s the nature of AAA game development. But I also have a great position, and am still gainfully employed after 21+ years. A blessing considering the thousands of layoffs this year.

“I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, because of the internet. But given my position, I can’t not share the truth. And the truth is, nobody sets out to make a bad game. And most game devs are incredibly talented… even if the game they release isn’t up to par.”

Finally, Pagliarulo called out gamers who offer up ways to fix Starfield without having the background or knowledge of being a game maker or designer themselves.

“So sure, you can dislike parts of a game. You can hate a game entirely. But don’t fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is (unless it’s somehow documented and verified), or how it got to be that way (good or bad).

“But… just know that the game you’re playing is in some ways a freaking miracle in and of itself. Normal people have come together to work FOR YEARS for one goal – to bring you fun and happiness. So it helps to remember that… and them.”

For all the latest Starfield news and updates, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.