Starfield player moves a cocktail shaker, gets shots instead

Noelle Corbett
Red Mile in Starfield

A Starfield player triggered an unexpected reaction after moving a cocktail shaker a couple of inches in a bar, leading to an angry companion and a shootout.

Starfield is a massive game with a lot to do. However, your actions while traveling through the universe have consequences.

Unsurprisingly, bad behavior like theft is generally frowned upon, though the expected Bethesda jank makes things a bit more complicated.

One player learned this lesson the hard way when, after simply moving a cocktail shaker, they ended up in the middle of a shootout alongside an angry companion.

Starfield NPCs bizarrely overreact to moving a cocktail shaker

Reddit user beepbapbapbarapbup shared a video of the incident, which occurred at the Red Mile on Porrima III.

After moving the cocktail shaker sitting on a bar over a bit, the player is immediately told they’ve been caught stealing. At the same time, their companion Barrett tells them, “That’s not right.” The game then notifies them that Barrett is no longer their active companion, disliked what they did, and is angry with them.

From there, the situation only escalates, with security plus some patrons and employees shooting at the player, while others run away from the scene of such a heinous crime.

Hilariously, a Stocker actually says “Put that back,” even though dropping the item still triggers this absurd sequence.

Other players have noted similar issues, such as NPCs getting angry at the player for moving empty boxes or playing with beach balls. Some recounted times when they accidentally knocked something over and the game treated it like stealing, such as one incident that occurred when trying to enter Jacob Coe’s home.

Longtime Bethesda fans pointed out that this has been a problem in Elder Scrolls and Fallout. While item manipulation leads to some funny behavior, like putting buckets on people’s heads, it also causes issues – like an entire bar trying to kill you over a cocktail shaker you didn’t even steal.

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