Starfield player uses genius laundry basket trick to steal thousands from NPCs

James Busby
Starfield player with ship

One Starfield player has discovered a unique way to steal thousands of Credits from unsuspecting NPCs using only a laundry basket. 

Whether it’s smuggling and selling Contraband or using the infamous Skyrim trick, there are plenty of ways to make money fast in Starfield. After all, knowing the best ways to make money in Starfield can greatly cut down the amount of time needed to save for your next big ship purchase or dream house. 

However, one crafty Starfield player has found a unique way to steal thousands of Credits from unsuspecting NPCs in the game, using only a laundry basket, giving a whole new meaning to money laundering. 

Starfield player uses laundry basket to steal thousands 

Posting on the official Starfield Reddit page, a user by the name of MrJsingh uploaded a video of what can only be described as a laundry basket-themed heist. During the clip, the player can be seen stealing money from NPCs who are gambling at the Red Mile Sporting event. 

However, instead of simply pinching the credits that lay strewn across the table, they use a filing cabinet and laundry basket combo to safely extract the cash. As the player is using an external object to move the money into the laundry basket, the game doesn’t treat this act as stealing. 

Instead, it is seen as a mere misplacing of the Credits – something any good thief would have you believe. Once the crafty Starfield player has safely secured every last credit, they then take it into another room and begin looting their cash prize. 

While it may not net you millions, this technique is certainly one of the more hilarious money-making techniques we’ve seen in Starfield. 

Before you go try out this trick yourself, why not check out our Starfield page and guides below?

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