Starfield players baffled after completing key achievement for absolutely no reward

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Starfield

Starfield has a Research Lab that you can use to upgrade your equipment, gear, and other facilities. However, players are baffled that there are no rewards or achievement awards for completing all the research projects in the game.

Starfield is a game that has a mix of both exploration as well as combat. However, one constant that you will always come across are the dangers and you need to be prepared beforehand.

However, the preparation in Starfield is tied to projects in the Research Lab where you will unlock upgrades for almost everything in the game. Unfortunately, players are quite unhappy that there are no achievement awards for completing every research project in the RPG.

Starfield player unhappy with as completing all research projects leads to no achievement award

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user who posted a screenshot with 100% competition of all research projects. They also provided a caption claiming they are unhappy that there are no achievement awards for completing all of them.

This post received a favorable response as several players had very similar ideas surrounding this issue. One such player commented, “I really expected it to reset in NG+, so rushed the research methodology skill…. So uh, pro tip, research methodology is kinda useless. XD.”

Another player chimed in, “I still don’t know what I’m doing when I go to this table, outposts too. Shit ton of resources though for once I figure it out.’ One player also claimed, “Should at least give us a way to empower the weapons we like beyond upgrading them, at least.”

Finally, a user stated, “I found the achievements in Starfield to feel… odd. Almost… dated? They felt like they simply rewarded playing the game in a linear fashion. No unique achievements, etc. Like how achievements felt in the early X360 days.”

Therefore, it seems like most players are disappointed at how this quest had no reward or achievement award. Some players suggested that Bethesda might make these more rewarding after the major update that they have planned for the future. However, in the current state, the game is indeed suffering from proper rewards for completing tasks.