Starfield players brand lack of iconic Bethesda mechanic as a “missed opportunity”

Theo Burman
A screenshot from the game Starfield

Starfield players have noticed that one of their favorite features from past Bethesda RPGs has not made it into the studio’s latest game, and some of them are describing this as a missed opportunity.

There’s a whole lot you can do in Starfield. Like, a lot. You’ve got the infinite majesty of space right at your fingertips, and plenty of exploring to do. But sometimes, you just want to chill out and listen to some music.

Previous Bethesda titles, most notably the Fallout series, have catered to this exact need, by allowing players to tune into in-game radio stations that each play different kinds of music. Other games, usually open-world ones, have followed this trend, with both GTA and Cyberpunk 2077 boasting unique radio stations and songs.

And while Starfield has a news station, there doesn’t seem to be any music to be had, leading some players to imagine what the game could have been like if it did have radio.

Starfield players call for Bethesda to add a space radio

For fans of the Fallout series in particular, where the Pip-Boy could tune in to a bunch of different stations, the lack of radio in Starfield is hitting hard.

“I think the real missed opportunity was no space radio”, one player said on the Starfield forums. “How nice would it be to have space radio while you are out mining materials? Listen to SSNN broadcasts about your latest exploits. Space commercials. Singing tunes while space trucking. Hell, I sing uranium fever every time I find uranium.”

“I loved the music in Fallout 4. I would love to listen to a conspiracy-based space looney on a meteor in the depths of space with some sort of space minivan talking about crazy sightings and corporate secrets.”

Another poster also drew comparisons with Fallout, saying: “Fallout let you tap into various radio stations through your Pip-Boy. Starfield has the watch, which is basically like a Pip-Boy, and you’d think your ship would have a radio too.

“The game has a news radio station, and we know the technology exists so it can span multiple solar systems, so not having a radio to listen to is kind of odd to me.”

For more news and updates on Starfield, check out our seven must-know tips for players just starting out in the game.