Starfield players stumble upon clones of history’s iconic leaders in hidden quest

Jake Nichols
Starfield Roosevelt

In the vast expanse of Bethesda’s Starfield, players have been uncovering secrets and navigating the quirks of NPCs. But one discovery has left the community astounded.

Starfield players are stumbling upon a hidden quest named “Operation Starseed” on the planet Charybdis III in the Charybdis solar system. This quest revealed a colony of mad robots with the ability to clone historical figures.

One player recounted their experience, stating, “I discovered a colony with mad robots that clone humans from the past. I just met President Roosevelt, Genghis Khan [and] Amanirenas. No, I’m not kidding.”

Within this quest, players can interact with clones of iconic figures from the past. They also hinted at the tantalizing possibility of recruiting one of these iconic figures to join their crew.

“It’s a quest I found on coincidence and can be easily missed. It’s not relevant to the main story,” the player clarified.

Starfield has been a rollercoaster of emotions for players. From NPCs with unsettling staring habits to those that hilariously interrupt conversations, the game has provided a mix of intentional and unintentional entertainment. One of the most amusing aspects has been the NPCs’ uncanny ability to disrupt dialogues, often floating into view during pivotal role-playing moments.

Another hilarious feature allows extroverted players to gaslight NPCs, evading the law with smooth talk. Additionally, players have encountered rare NPCs like a lone pilot singing space shanties, voiced by the viral TikToker Nathan Evans.

Some players have also recently uncovered bugs like asteroids turning into pet companions and a magic puddle that acts as a free loot machine.

Despite its quirks and bugs, Starfield continues to captivate players with its expansive universe, fascinating quests, and the promise of more secrets waiting to be uncovered.