Starfield’s Phil Spencer flashlight mod is the strangest one yet

Rishabh Sabarwal
Starfield and Phil Spencer

Starfield, Bethesda’s latest sci-fi adventure, has just entered early access and is already receiving praise from players. The Xbox Studios release is available on PC and a number of fans have already built humorous mods, the most peculiar of which is a torch with Phil Spencer on it.

Starfield’s early access release has been thrilling for a lot of players. A sense of awe and adventure has been sparked by the thought of traveling to immense depths of space, discovering mysteries of the cosmos, and commanding one’s own spaceship.

Players have commended the game‘s breathtaking graphics, intricate environment design, and the immersive experience of plotting their journey across the stars. The PC community, however, really got rolling when players started getting inventive with their spaceship builds and creating mods for missing features.

While recent mods have included features like DLSS and FOV adjustment, the strangest one yet adds Xbox boss Phil Spencer to the game’s Flashlight feature. Here’s how it went down and the players’ reaction.

Phil Spencer projected with a flashlight in the strangest Starfield mod yet

Due to the ongoing early access of Starfield and the inventiveness of modders, Nexus Mods has added a flashlight projection of Phil Spencer to the game. When a player with the mod activates their flashlight, the face of Spencer would appear as a beam of light.

The mod brought about humorous tributes and jokes from fans who find it cool to honor the genius behind the latest game. One such fan said, “In Phil, we trust to lead the way”.

Another one chimed in, “But it is working like a bat-signal, if you do it too long and in the sky, Phil will call you”. A third user joined in and replied, “This is actually brilliant. The mod community will make this game an 11/10”.

Starfield’s official release date is approaching and Xbox Game Pass subscribers are eager to begin the adventure on Day One, while an alternative method allows them to play the game during its ongoing early access period.