This smart wireless headset from Master & Dynamic can literally read your mind

Jitendra Soni
Master & Dynamic MW75 Neuro

The MW75 Neuro headphones are made by Master & Dynamic and a neuroscience company Neurable to help you work smarter.

Premium audio accessories brand Master & Dynamic has collaborated with a neuroscience company, Neurable, to develop noise-canceling MW75 Neuro headphones.

While the MW75 Neuro might look like any other premium wireless headphones, it is way more intelligent than most of its peers. These headsets have got brain tech embedded in them.

Touted as the world’s first brain-computer interface (BCI) audio product, the MW75 can read your brain waves and tell you when to relax or take the foot off the pedal.

Master & Dynamic MW75 Neuro

And if you think this complex gadget will not be cheap, then you’re right. It is priced at $649 and comes in four colorways – onyx, argent, olive, and navy. The headset is up for pre-order on Neurable’s website.

According to the company, the headset will come with embedded sensors capable of reading brain waves and taking care of your mental well-being. The data collected by these sensors will be available on the bundled application on your Android device or iPhone. They will track focus periods, recognize signs of stress, and identify mental well-being conditions.

That is not all. The company says it is just getting started, and much more is to come. It said these “novel capabilities are just the beginning, with several intriguing features already in the works for future products.”

Besides unraveling the hidden secrets of your brain, the MW75 Neuro will be able to perform its regular duties, like playing music and letting you answer calls, among others. It also allows you to adjust the sound according to your preference using the EQ settings and comes with an Active Noise Cancellation feature.

Smart wearables are just getting started

Earlier this year, we saw Dyson introducing a headphone that could also act as a portable air purifier. While its weird design made it look like a product from a sci-fi movie, it hinted that wearables need to do much more than just basic tasks.

This was followed by Humane’s AI Pin, a wearable smartphone that lets you interact with the interface using gestures. It’s a wearable smartphone without an actual display.

We recently came across Apple’s intention to make the AirPods Pro 3 smarter than ever before. These upcoming earphones will be equipped with various sensors for better health stats while offering the best-in-class listening experience.

So, if you think you saw it all in 2023, wait for these innovative products to launch in 2023, and once they arrive, we’ll realize how easy your life can be only if each of your wearable gadgets does just a bit extra.