How to find the soda can door code in The Last of Us Part II

Connor Bennett

The Last of Us Part II contains a lot of interesting secrets but some can be harder than others to find, and the soda can keypad code is one of the most difficult in the game. Here’s exactly how to solve the puzzle in the sequel. 

Naughty Dog‘s The Last of Us Part II is a big game with a lot of great loot to collect and secrets to find that are typically locked behind specific areas and doors. To get your hands on some of the best goodies in the game, you’ll need to have the right code on hand.

One of the trickiest doors to open in the game is located in the Subway Tunnels. During Day 1 of Ellie’s time in Seattle, you’ll come across a room with a note from ‘V’ who wants a certain can of soda.

So, here’s exactly how you can get your hands on the soda can and the keypad code you’ll need.

A soda machine in The Last of Us 2
Part of the code can be found inside a soda machine.

The Last of Us 2 subway soda can keypad code

To find the subway soda can keypad code, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Find V’s note on the floor of the break room.
  2. Open up the soda machine – either by shooting or throwing something through it.
  3. Grab the soda can in the machine and start inspecting it.
  4. Rotate the can around to find the second half of V’s note.
  5. Once you’ve got the code from the note, head over to the door’s keypad and type in 1-5-2-4-3. 
  6. This will unlock the door and you can claim your loot!

Once inside the door, you’ll find a stash of crafting materials as well as a bottle of supplements and some ammunition. These will help you as you progress further through the game so make sure to grab everything in sight! 

That’s how you can find the soda can door code in The Last of Us Part II! For more content on the game, check out our guides below:

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