TikTok debates Gen Z “sock rule” after Millennial questions its exceptions

Molly Byrne
sock rule

TikTokers debated the viral “sock rule” after a Millennial was called out by Gen Z’ers for her sock choice.

Socks have been a hot topic on TikTok after Annaliese Todd shared a viral clip about Gen Z’s “sock rule.” During the video with 2.7M views, a Millennial woman asked her Gen Z coworkers if there was “an exception to the rule.”

The “sock rule” considers how long your boot or shoe runs up your leg when deciding the proper length of sock to pair with it. According to Gen Z’ers, long socks are the way to go no matter what. But according to Millennials, ankle socks are favored.

In Annaliese’s TikTok, a Millennial woman, who has strictly worn ankle socks so they don’t show above her boots or shoes, talks with her Gen Z coworkers who all agree that ankle socks should only be worn during ‘athletics.’

Though the Millennial woman was wearing ankle socks with her ankle boots, the Gen Z coworkers gave her a generous pass, considering her boots were low cut.

Viewers of the viral TikTok commented by joining in on the sock debate. “I’m a Millennial & can under no circumstances have my socks showing… I tried it once and had a mental breakdown before I even left the house,” wrote one viewer.

“As Millennials we got mocked for having our socks too high so many of us ended up wearing ankle socks or having them rolled down,” reminisced another.

One person also expressed shock, adding that they still fold their sock in half so it doesn’t show, while another viewer said, “Listen, I’m lucky if my socks match. This is too much for me.”

This wasn’t the only time different generations debated socks online. In November 2023, a TikToker claimed they could tell Millennials and Gen Z’ers apart based on their sock choice. “Gen Z exclusively wear their socks up and Millennials still wear ankle socks,” the TikToker said.