Ahsoka fans think Abeloth is coming after Baylan reveal in finale

Cameron Frew
Baylan Skoll in Ahsoka Episode 8 and Abeloth

“Mother” is coming, if Star Wars fans’ theories are to be believed after Baylan Skoll’s last scenes in the Ahsoka finale – so, who is Abeloth?

Baylan Skoll isn’t like other Star Wars bad guys. He hones the dark side of the Force, but he doesn’t care for the ways of the Sith. He’s hungry for power, but not the selfish, unlimmmmited kind we’ve seen other Darth-titled villains seek.

He’s a Dark Jedi – or Fallen Jedi, if you’re averse to the former term – who survived Order 66 and (understandably) ditched the ways of Jedi Order. “We are no Jedi,” he viciously said in the opening episode, before impaling a New Republic officer – but there’s light within him, and he doesn’t kill out of glee or haphazard anger.

In the sixth episode, he tells Shin: “Something calls to me, can’t you hear it? Something stirs here.” And in the finale, he was last seen standing in front of two statues of Mortis Gods, which could mean the emergence of Abeloth in the canon timeline.

Star Wars fans convinced Ahsoka finale sets up Abeloth after Baylan reveal

We don’t know exactly what was calling to Baylan, but it’s undoubtedly connected to the gods of Mortis. In short, they embody the Force: the Father represents the balance, while the Son and Daughter represent the dark and light sides of the Force.

You can read more about them here, but some Ahsoka viewers may be curious to know if there’s a Mother – and that’s where Abeloth comes in. Also known as the Bringer of Chaos, she’s a Force-user who was corrupted and transformed by her desire to become a god. She was introduced as the main antagonist of the nine-part Fate of the Jedi novel series, originally a mortal woman and servant to the Ones, eventually becoming the Mother who mended the relationship between the Daughter and Son.

However, it all went wrong when she took a sip from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, transforming her into the immortal entity known as Abeloth. In later years, she isn’t seen at first – instead, her influence seeps into young Jedi minds and draws them to the dark side.

She’s part of the Legends timeline, so she’s not considered canon – yet. “I’m very confident in Abeloth returning now, the father is pointing towards where shin is, and as Baylan implied she’s important.
I believe this is where Abeloth is confined and Baylan’s plan is to have her possess shin. Her actor is perfectly cast for it,” one user theorized.

“What if Baylan isn’t looking for Mortis, but instead, is searching for Abeloth, the Mother, the Bringer of Chaos? In Legends, Abeloth was abandoned on a planet by her family. Also, Baylan mentioned a greater power that the Nightsisters were trying to escape from. Could it be?” another tweeted.

“OKAY SO IS IT ABELOTH CALLING BAYLAN???? Are we seriously going to see ABELOTH in live-action CANON STAR WARS?! Mother is coming omg? My brain isn’t processing this,” a third wrote. “The planet that was home to the Ones (the Mortis Gods) was a luscious green planet before Abeloth was consumed by evil and brought chaos and ultimately being imprisoned there while the Ones left for Mortis. Is Peridea that planet?” a fourth wrote.

You can find out more about Ahsoka Season 2 here, and in the meantime, stream the whole series on Disney Plus and check out our other coverage below:

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