Avatar: The Last Airbender’s major character design change angers fans

Kayla Harrington
Still from Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix trailer

Avatar: The Last Airbender fans are in an uproar over a major character design change in one of the cast’s key players.

After almost two decades since it first premiered, Avatar: The Last Airbender is being introduced to a new generation thanks to Netflix‘s latest adaptation.

While the series has already been plagued with some issues as it’s been revealed that some major character arcs may be left out, most fans are still excited to revisit Aang and crew‘s world of bending.

However, a newly released clip from the series have some OG fans in an uproar as fans notice a huge character design change in one of the series’ major characters.

Avatar: The Last Airbender changes one major character trait

In a newly circulated clip on Twitter, Avatar: The Last Airbender fans noticed that Azula, Prince Zuko’s younger sister, is fire bending with what looks like regular colored fire.

Fans of the original animated series know that Azula fights with both lightening and her signature blue fire, which seems to be more deadly than regular fire bending fire.

Azula’s blue fire stems from years and years of training and raw talent, which proves how meticulous the Fire Nation princess is when it comes to bending and honing her craft.

However, fans are already expressing their disappointment that one of Azula’s most defining traits has been completely wiped from her live-action character.

Below are some of the best reactions to the change:

Avatar: The Last Airbender will premiere its action-packed eight season on February 22 through Netflix.