Invincible Season 2 will introduce “unique” multiverse villain

Cameron Frew
Invincible and villain Angstrom Levy

Invincible Season 2 will feature a villain with the power to access the multiverse – but don’t worry: they’ll have a “unique flavor” compared to other superhero movies and shows.

Doctor Strange once said the multiverse is a “concept about which we know frighteningly little.” But, thanks to all sorts of comic book movies — Spider-Man: No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, and The Flash — it seems we’ve pretty much got the gist of it.

It’s not hard to see why franchise-makers are so attracted to the multiverse: you have, quite literally, infinite possibilities. Everyone can die, but nobody can die. It’s the ultimate big-screen toy box, and that’s part of the problem: if any and all stakes can be answered with another world, will we ever truly care about what’s happening here and now?

We’re finding it all a bit… weightless. Fortunately, Invincible won’t fall into that trap, according to its creator.

Invincible Season 2 will deal with the multiverse

In an interview with Inverse, Robert Kirkman spoke about fans’ anticipation for Invincible Season 2 and one of its villains: Angstrom Levy, who’s capable of moving between alternate realities.

“Some large or small aspect of Season 2 focuses on the Angstrom Levy character. He’ll be a new villain that comes into the series. And if you’ve read the comics, you’re aware of who he is and what his deal is. He’s a villain that has access to multiple dimensions, and so it’s another one of those dang multiverse things,” he said.

We won’t get into too many details about Levy, but we can say this: his ability to move between dimensions isn’t as simple as hopping through a portal. He’s considered to be Invincible’s archnemesis, as he blames him for a terrible accident that leaves him disfigured, but also more powerful.

Whenever the next season hits our screens, don’t expect Levy’s arc to be ripped straight from the comics. “We do things in a different way [than the comics], so there’s a little bit of a unique flavor to what we’re doing,” Kirkman added.

Invincible Season 2 is due to premiere in late 2023. You can find out more here.