Is Wolf Pack a spinoff from Teen Wolf?

Chris Tilly
Sarah Michelle Gellar in the poster for Wolf Pack.

Wolf Pack – the new teen horror that stars Sarah Michelle Gellar – looks and sounds a lot like Teen Wolf – so, is it a spinoff from the hugely popular drama?

The TV show Teen Wolf was a belated reimagining of the Michael J. Fox movie of the same name. Though while the film was an out-and-out comedy, the show took a (slightly) more serious approach to the story of teenage werewolves.

Teen Wolf ran for 100 episodes, across six seasons, starting in 2011 and ending in 2017. Though a sequel movie is heading to Paramount+ next week, on January 26.

That’s the same day a new series about werewolves – called Wolf Pack – debuts on the same channel. So are the shows connected?

Is Wolf Pack a spinoff from Teen Wolf?

No, Wolf Pack is not a spinoff from Teen Wolf. At least that’s what all the current evidence suggests.

Jeff Davis created both shows, and they shared panels at Comic-Cons in 2022. But the showrunner is adamant that the only connection is the whole wolf thing.

“There can be two werewolf shows that exist in separate spaces,” Davis told SFX (as quote on CBR). “It’s funny because one of the things we did was consciously try and do things differently with Wolf Pack.”

In reference to the vampire genre, Davis adds: “I know that everybody gets confused by it, but I always say, ‘Nobody thinks Twilight is in the same universe as Interview With The Vampire.'”

The differences between Teen Wolf and Wolf Pack

Davis then explained how the two shows are different, with tone being the main point of contrast.

“I said, ‘I don’t want to do the same show. I want to do something more adult, a little bit extreme in places. Not necessarily darker, but a little bit more sophisticated in terms of themes.’ 

“Teen Wolf was very comic book. It had a real sense of humor… not that Wolf Pack doesn’t have a sense of humor, but it’s not as comedic as Teen Wolf.”

Both the Teen Wolf movie and Wolf Pack series debut next week, while you can find out what role Sarah Michelle Gellar plays in the latter here.