Jon Cryer and Paul Scheer want to play Andrew Tate if a movie happens

Chris Tilly
Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor in Supergirl.

Following Andrew Tate’s Twitter spat with Greta Thunberg – and his ensuing arrest in Romania – actors Jon Cryer and Paul Scheer have expressed interest in playing Tate should a movie about him ever happen.

It all started with a tweet. Andrew Tate sent a message to climate activist Greta Thunberg about the “enormous emissions” from his 33 cars. Thunberg then mocked him in her response.

Tate came back with a video in which he handles a pair of pizza boxes; boxes that are thought to have led to his arrest.

You can read the full Andrew Tate story here, but in the meantime, Hollywood has taken an interest in this bizarre turn of events.

Jon Cryer wants to play Andrew Tate in a movie

Jon Cryer shot to fame playing Duckie in Pretty in Pink, while he also had a huge TV hit with Two and a Half Men. More recently, he’s appeared as supervillain Lex Luthor on Supergirl.

When Andrew Tate first posted his video, Cryer Tweeted “People are going to be telling @paulscheer and I we look like this idiot for decades” due to their collective resemblance.

Scheer responded with the above Jurassic Park meme. Then when Andrew Tate’s arrest happened, Cryer wrote, “Okay, now I’m playing him in the movie.”

John Glover – who played Lex Luthor’s Dad in Smallville – then chimed in by Tweeting: “I’ll be the pizza delivery boy who is underwhelmed by the tip!”

Watch Paul Scheer’s Andrew Tate audition

Since then, Scheer himself has made a bid for any potential role. Scheer has previously starred in TV sitcoms The League and Black Monday, while he’s also appeared in movies like Piranha 3DD, The Disaster Artist, and Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping.

Above a video of himself impersonating Tate, Scheer wrote: “Here’s my audition for the #AndrewTate movie. Since we know a lot about his other opinions I decided to tackle his POV on how weak babies are.”

Rest assured, we’ll let you know if and when a movie happens, while for updates on the Andrew Tate story, head here.