An incredible meme comes from this Christmas movie

Lucy-Jo Finnighan
Santa swings an axe at a nun

Christmas is the time for family and presents… but also murder and memes? At least, that’s what Silent Night Deadly Night 2 entails.

It’s coming up to Christmas, which means it’s time to start watching those holiday movies, if you haven’t already.

However, Christmas horror movies are also surprisingly popular. But often these flicks will have an element of humor to them, such as Krampus or It’s a Wonderful Knife. And sometimes, this humor will come in the form of a meme.

This is certainly the case for the 1987 horror movie Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2, which actually includes a meme you’ve already heard of before.

Silent Night Deadly Night features a garbage Christmas meme

For those who don’t know, the Silent Night Deadly Night franchise is a series of camp horror movies that ran throughout the 80s and 90s.

The first movie followed this incredible premise: “An orphan raised by nuns grows up to be a killer toy-store Santa Claus.” And its sequel follows suit, with the following synopsis: “The now-adult Ricky talks to a psychiatrist about how he became a murderer after his brother, Billy, died, which leads back to Mother Superior.”

Not everybody loves this flick, as it has a 22% Critics’ Score on Rotten Tomatoes. However, it has become a cult classic, mainly due to its camp kills, including one meme-worthy scene.

The scene we’re referring to involves one of main character Ricky’s many deadly rampages, as he shoots multiple members of his neighborhood. There are plenty of absurd moments within this clip, from Ricky’s on-and-off chuckling, to a neighbor coming out to yell “What the hell’s all that noise out there?” despite there being no noise, and of course, the classic “Garbage day!”

This Garbage Day meme involves Ricky shooting a man through a garbage can as he puts his trash out, but not before loudly exclaiming “Garbage day!”

The clip then continues on, getting even wilder. After thankfully not killing a child, Ricky proceeds to shoot at a driving car, which flips and explodes, as he simply says “Bingo!”

The meme has of course been around on the internet for a while, so check out some iterations below:

Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 is actually available to watch for free (with ads) on YouTube and Tubi in certain locations, so check it out if you wanna get in the crazy Christmas spirit!

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