Michael Mann wants to make Heat 2: “It’s going to be one large movie”

Sam Comrie
an image of michael mann heat

Michael Mann plans to make Heat 2, a sequel to his legendary Robert De Niro and Al Pacino-starring crime saga. 

Mann has released multiple crime genre classics over the years. Collateral and the underrated Miami Vice are exceptional, but it was the 1995 heist thriller Heat that truly cemented Mann as one of cinema’s greatest filmmakers.

Ahead of releasing his prequel/sequel novel to the Al Pacino-starring hit, Mann has revealed plans for a movie adaptation.

an image of robert de niro in heat
The heist scene in Heat is regarded as one of the best action scenes of all time.

Michael Mann planning Heat 2 sequel novel adaptation

Michael Mann told Empire in an exclusive interview that he intends to bring his Heat follow-up novel to the big screen. Delving into his plans, Mann said: “It’s totally planned to be a movie. Is it a modest movie? No. Is it a very expensive series?”

“It’s going to be one large movie,” added the Manhunter director.

However, one of the biggest elements for many would be the appearances of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Val Kilmer. Mann is aware that it wouldn’t be feasible, given how much the actors have aged since 1995.

An image of al pacino and robert de niro in heat

Mann explained: “I love those guys, but they’d have to be six years younger than they were in Heat.”

Following up Heat would be a huge task for the director, but he’s confident he can do it justice. “It’s sustained in culture. It’s known… when you check out its prominence in home vid for over 20 years, this thing really has legs,” he said.

“People are still watching it, people are still talking about it. It’s a brand. It’s kind of a Heat universe, in a way. And that certainly justifies a very large ambitious movie.”

Heat 2: A Novel releases on August 9, 2022.