New Evil Dead spinoff film in the works with French horror director attached

Eleni Thomas
Evil Dead spinoff

A new Evil Dead film is in the works, with upcoming French horror director Sébastien Vaniček set to helm the upcoming spinoff.

The Evil Dead franchise is set to return, with a brand new spin-off film confirmed to be in the works. The franchise was first brought to life with Sam Raimi in 1981. Since then, the series has spawned two more sequels and even includes a Showtime series that ran for three seasons.

After the show wrapped up, the franchise was once again rebooted on the big screen, with the 2013 Evil Dead film starring Mia Allen releasing in theatres to mixed reviews from fans and critics.

As well as this the franchise has various video games attached to the story, characters, and overall narrative of the franchise.

Evil Dead spinoff
Evil Dead is set to return with a new spinoff movie

While exact plot details and development plans are still largely under wraps of this next spinoff, it has been revealed that up-and-coming French director Sébastien Vaniček will be helming the project.

Vaniček made his feature film debut as a director with the French horror film Infested, also known as Vermines. This upcoming Evil Dead spinoff marks a major breakthrough for the director as he brings the wildly popular franchise to life once again.

The initial report from Deadline also states that “details as to the film’s plot are under wraps. The Evil Dead is of course the horror comedy franchise created by Raimi, going back to 1981’s same-name film starring Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams, a combatant of various supernatural entities.”

The synopsis for the original film reads as follows.

“Ashley “Ash” Williams (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend and three pals hike into the woods to a cabin for a fun night away. There they find an old book, the Necronomicon, whose text reawakens the dead when it’s read aloud. The friends inadvertently release a flood of evil and must fight for their lives or become one of the evil dead. 

“Ash watches his friends become possessed, and must make a difficult decision before daybreak to save his own life in this, the first of Sam Raimi’s trilogy.”

Time will tell what this new spinoff entails and what actors will be attached to the project. However, we’ll be sure to keep you updated with all the latest news and updates as development for the new Evil Dead spinoff picks up momentum.