Physical 100 Season 2 proves we need a female-only version

Gabriela Silva
Lim Soo-jin and Lee Won-hee in Physical 100 Season 2 in teams quest.

Physical 100 has been a spectacle of athleticism, strength, and agility — but Season 2 has proven that a female-only version is very necessary.

The Netflix competition series was originally praised for mixing male and female contestants regardless of age or skill. Many believed it would give female athletes a chance to prove themselves just as good as the boys, maybe even better.

But the first season ran into some trouble when male contestants purposely chose women in the death match to secure an ‘easy’ elimination. Unfortunately, Physical 100 Season 2 has run into the same problem but on a different scale.

Many are upset that the new series’ quests have made the women look like “dead weight” or a burden by putting a bigger emphasis on the muscular and strong men. With that in mind, I think it’s time for Physical 100 to have an all-female season.

This would solve Physical 100’s biggest problem: the women not seen as valuable team members and quests not designed for them. It would also help with issues like we saw in the the first team match this season, where more than half the women had been eliminated, and the captains chose mostly men for their teams. As more teams formed, GPT realized a majority of women were left and said, “I think we should start looking into them.”

Even when Kim Min-su’s (Thanos) team chose Kim Da-bi, she seemed to realize she would be the weak link among the men. Sim Yu-ri went so far as to admit the other teams wanted to compete against them because they had two women. The 2.5 Quest proved the female contestants didn’t stand a chance against the men as many were physically bigger and stronger to hold onto the pole.

It was also upsetting to see they were never considered as an option when Jung Ji-hyun formed his “Avengers” team. Even Jung thought his team could win during the Minecraft challenge, seeing Lim and Jung You-in competing for their teams.

A female-only Physical 100 would allow these women to truly showcase their abilities within quests designed for them and give them a better chance of winning by not putting them up against men twice their size. Not to mention, there would be a different form of camaraderie and friendship among an all-female cast.

So far, both seasons of Physical 100 are proving that by the final events, there will be no women left to be given a chance at the prize money. It begs to question of how a female contestant is meant to win or even have a chance in quests while the male counterparts dominate.

It’s hard to imagine how a national rhythmic athlete or alpine skier Kang Young-seo is meant to compete against someone like Lee Jang-kun. While Netflix has released a female competition series Siren: Survive the Island, it went mostly under the radar. With Physical 100 already having a set fanbase and interest, a female-only season would see success.

Physical 100 Season 2 airs new episodes every week. If looking for more about the series:

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