The Flash 2: Everything we know so far

Cameron Frew
Ezra Miller in The Flash

Here’s everything we know about The Flash 2, the possible sequel to Ezra Miller’s DC movie.

It’s been seven years since we first caught a glimpse of Miller’s speedster in Batman v Superman, coming shortly before the character’s debut in 2017’s “Josstice League”. In less than two months time, The Flash will finally hit cinemas.

Inspired by the Flashpoint comic storyline, the movie will follow Barry Allen after he travels back in time to save his mother’s life. His actions, as warned by one Bruce Wayne, could “destroy everything”, and with the help of some new and returning faces, he has to find a way to fix the universe and prevent the collapse of the future.

Following its first screening at CinemaCon, which was met with near-unanimous praise, here’s what we know about The Flash 2.

Will there be a Flash 2?

As of April 2023, we don’t know if The Flash 2 will happen – but it’s certainly not off the table.

Following the CinemaCon screening, director Andy Muschietti was asked whether or not fans can expect a sequel. “We didn’t talk about it. I think that we’re all waiting to see how this movie does,” he said.

“There’s excitement about continuing the story, especially if this movie’s successful. Of course, there’s an architecture in DC that is brewing, and it’s being created.

“And the question is, will this new architecture absorb this story? The good thing about the multiverse is that it is possible. The multiverse allows all of these different worlds to coexist and interact. And so hopefully, yes. We don’t know yet. That’s the truth.”

It was also claimed by The Hollywood Reporter that The Flash 2 has already been written by Aquaman’s David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, “in case that movie does well.”

Will Ezra Miller return for The Flash 2?

The biggest question mark doesn’t hang over the possibility of a sequel – it’s what will happen to Miller, whose still the subject of controversy after multiple allegations of abuse, harassment, burglary, and other accusations.

They issued an apology in August last year and committed to treatment, and according to Muschietti, they’re in much better mental shape these days.

“We’re all hoping that they get better… they’re taking the steps to recovery. They’re dealing with mental health issues, but they’re well. We talked to them not too long ago, and they’re very committed to getting better,” he said.

Ezra Miller in The Flash

Amid a particularly active spate of scandals in 2022, reports emerged claiming The Flash could be canceled altogether if Miller didn’t come forward and seek treatment. While some have predicted this will be the last time we’ll see the actor as the hero, nothing has been confirmed with regards to their future in the DCU.

“Given that Miller has stayed out of trouble since beginning mental health treatment in the summer, some executives are amenable to continuing with the actor,” a Variety report from earlier this year alleged.

Following news of their takeover at DC Studios, James Gunn and Peter Safran addressed Miller’s behavior. “Ezra is completely committed to their recovery. We are fully supportive of that journey they are on right now,” Safran told The Hollywood Reporter.

“When the time is right, when they are ready to have that discussion, we will all figure out what’s the best path forward. But right now, they are completely focused on their recovery. And in our conversation with them, in the last couple of months, it feels like they are making enormous progress.”

The Flash hits cinemas on June 15 in the UK and June 16 in the US. Find out more about the movie here and check out the rest of our coverage here.