Who does Harry Potter marry?

Jessica Cullen
Harry and Hermione in Harry Potter standing in the snow, Hermione's head on Harry's shoulder

With prequel and sequels floating around in the magic world, many fans might want to know the ending, specifically – who does Harry Potter marry?

Set within the confines of a magical wizarding school, both the Harry Potter books and movies don’t shy away from venturing into teen romance territory. Several characters find themselves romantically inclined to one another, and many see their relationships through to the end.

During his time at Hogwarts, Harry Potter develops relationships with both Cho Chang and Ginny Weasley. Those who never read the books or failed to see out the film franchise might have wondered if either of those pairings stayed the course.

As such, there are those who want to know what happened to Harry after the series ended, and who he ended up with. Here’s everything you need to know about who Harry Potter marries.

Who does Harry Potter marry?

Harry Potter marries Ginny Weasley, Ron’s younger sister, at the end of the series.

Across the books and films, Harry and Ginny’s relationship develops slowly. From the beginning, Ginny is portrayed as being a fan of Harry’s and appears intimidated by his presence. She then develops a girlhood crush, which starts during Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and progresses as time goes on.

During Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, we’re told that Ginny has a boyfriend, Michael Corner. However, she later breaks up with him and then starts dating Dean Thomas.

Adult Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny at the train station watching their children leave
The Harry Potter epilogue shows an older Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny.

It’s only during Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that Harry realizes his feelings for Ginny, after witnessing her kiss Dean. During this installment, Harry and Ginny have their first kiss. They then start dating, however, Harry eventually ends things when he considers it to be too dangerous, not wanting Ginny to get caught in the ongoing conflict.

However, come Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the two reunite, and it’s clear their feelings haven’t gone away.

During the epilogue in both the books and the movies, we’re told that Harry and Ginny are together and have three children: James, Albus, and Lily. Although it doesn’t specify that they are married, it’s generally accepted as fact that they are.

Ginny also appears in The Cursed Child, attempting to bridge the gap between Harry and their son Albus.

For more from the magical wizarding world, check out our guide on the Harry Potter TV show.