Yellowjackets actor discusses how Misty is trying to “slither” and “manipulate” others

Eleni Thomas
Yellowjackets Misty header

Actor Samantha Hanratty talks Misty’s future in Yellowjackets season 2, offering up some insight into what fans can expect from the character in the upcoming season while also weighing on on whether or not Misty truly believes in the mystical powers of Lottie.

Yellowjackets was one of the biggest surprise hits of 2021, the first season of the show being met with near universal praise. Currently, the show as a whole is sitting at a 97% on Rotten Tomaotes, with critics attributing the success of the series to fantastic casting and writing.

In Dexerto’s review of the first two episodes of Yellowjackets season 2, we wrote that “Yellowjackets promised that Season 2 would be darker, and the first two episodes already prove that, in the best way.”

While each and every character shines in their own way, one figure that has become a fan-favorite is Misty. The character, who is played by Samantha Hanratty as teenager and Christina Ricci as an adult, is a smiling assassin amongst her peers.

Samantha Hanratty on Misty’s role in Yellowjackets season 2

In a recent interview with Collider, Hanratty spoke about Misty’s arc for season 2 and whether or not she truly believes in all the mystical and supernatural energy that fellow teammate Lottie has begun taking charge off in the Wilds.

“I think that Misty doesn’t believe in any of it, but is the first one to make it seem like she does. I used to be involved in this church back in the day, and it was the people that had their eyes closed and their hands in the air, and it was like the gospel was coming through them.”

She continued, “And don’t get me wrong, everyone has their different stuff and I think that’s beautiful if that’s a genuine feeling that’s going on, but I know for a lot of people, it was like, ‘Oh, that’s what other people are doing so I’m gonna do that, too.’ And, ‘Oh, right. Oh, you feel it? Yeah, I feel it.’ 

Hanratty then added, “You know, it’s a sense of belonging, and I think for Misty, it’s like she sees an opportunity, she sees power, and she’s like, alright, this is where I’m gonna slither on in. But I don’t believe that she believes in this earthy wilderness stuff. I think Samantha believes in it more than Misty does! I don’t think that she really believes in it, I think she just sees it as an opportunity to hopefully manipulate in the future.”

The first episode of Yellowjackets season 2 is available to watch on Paramout+, with new episodes of the series arrivies each week. 

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