YouTuber sparks concerns after sneaking on BAFTA stage with Oppenheimer crew

Shane Black
Youtuber, Lizwani, crashing Oppenheimer award at BAFTAs

A YouTube prankster, Lizwani, has sparked concerns amid the BAFTA awards after he was spotted sneaking on the stage alongside the Oppenheimer crew.

The BAFTA awards were held on Sunday night, where celebrities and artists alike gathered to honor some of the best work from last year.

Oppenheimer continued its awards season dominance as it swept its nominations, including the Best Picture award.

However, this moment was somewhat spoiled by a prank YouTuber who managed to sneak onstage during the acceptance speech.

YouTube prankster raises concerns for BAFTA after sneaking onstage

The moment was captured almost as soon as it happened, once BAFTA viewers noticed someone onstage who didn’t belong.

To accept the award for Best Picture, director, Christopher Nolan, his wife and producer, Emma Thomas, and star, Cillian Murphy took to the stage.

However, a fourth person who was identified as Lizwani showed up with them.

After the incident, the BAFTA’s claim security quickly removed him from the event, and a spokesman commented:

“A social media prankster was removed by security last night after joining the winners of the final award on stage – we are taking this very seriously, and don’t wish to grant him any publicity by commenting further.”

Lizwani, himself, says that security and police took a good chunk of footage from him when they apprehended him, though he promises that a full video of the situation will be coming soon.

The whole incident has caused many to speculate about the security measures in place at the BAFTA awards, as well as other award ceremonies after people sneaking onstage has become somewhat common recently.

With this becoming more common, many are wondering what steps can be taken to avoid this from happening and prevent something far more serious from happening.