Zack Snyder reveals his biggest movie regret

Lucy-Jo Finnighan
Sucker punch battle scene

For some fans, auteur Zack Snyder can do no wrong, but even he has gone on record to admit that he regrets one movie.

Zack Snyder is still one of the biggest names in Hollywood, this time coming in hot with his upcoming sci-fi epic Rebel Moon, which is set to hit Netflix soon.

The director has of course amassed a major following with his distinct style and plethora of creative action movies, such as Watchman, 300, and his cut of Justice League.

However, not all of his films have been hits, with one movie actually being a regret of his. Or rather, he regrets one certain aspect of it.

Zack Snyder regrets this PG-13 movie

When asked about one of his flicks, 2011’s Sucker Punch, Zack Snyder lamented how he wasn’t able to go as dark as he wanted, resulting in a PG-13 rating.

“The original version would have been super controversial, it was super dark,” he explained to Metro.

Snyder’s wife and long-time producer Deborah added that “I regret that we did it PG-13 because it was originally R, we didn’t know how to pull it off from the budget and they were gonna give us more money if it was PG 13. I wish we would have figured that out because that’s my only regret.”

As Snyder continued: “It was the darkest thing ever but we didn’t care about that. We just cared about the fact that we couldn’t get close to it with the money that they would have given us for the R-rated version of it. That was the problem.”

Sucker Punch follows this synopsis: “Babydoll faces a dark, unknown fate as she waits for a drastic brain surgery at a mental asylum. Reality and fantasy merge as she devises a getaway plan with four other girls.”

However, despite his regrets, Snyder still stands against the film’s critics – and there are a lot of them, with only a 22% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

“Sucker Punch is the one movie that I would say that universally is criticised in a way that misunderstands the entire premise of the movie – which is neither here nor there,” Snyder stated. “The movie is not being criticised for what it really is. It was criticised because people were like, wow, this is exploitative and it’s just a b******t genre movie and I was like, “Okay, well then I f**ked up because that’s not what, that’s not it.””

The director did make sure to add that “I’ve made peace with my relationship to the critics and the fans and how the work is viewed because, at the end of the day, I make it for myself. That’s the way I’ve always done it – I enjoy making it, I’m the one that has to watch it the most, I’m the one that has to live with it.”

His next project as a writer and director will be Rebel Moon, a new space-opera with action type deal.

The story is as such: “When a colony on the edge of the galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Regent Balisarius, they dispatch a young woman with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighbouring planets to help them take a stand.”

Rebel Moon will premiere on Netflix on December 22. Check out more of our Zack Snyder content here.