Jynxzi falls out with Clix after streaming together over “clip farming” claims

Theo Burman
Jynxzi and clix fall out

Top Twitch streamers Jynxzi and Clix have fallen out after a stream together went badly due to a bet.

The pair of content creators started streaming Rainbow Six Seige together on Twitch, but by the end of the day, they’d unfollowed each other on social media and stopped talking to each other.

Jynxzi lost the wager, and agreed to pay out the forfeit, but the argument got really heated when Clix posted an old photo of him posing with Jynxzi’s girlfriend, which prompted the Twitch streamer to accuse Clix of “clip farming”.

“Clix is clip farming, that’s it. Bro, I’m all for a good clip farm, you guys know that, bro. But, like, that type of clip farm – that’s like next level. That’s like, ‘Hey, I need clout tonight!’ That’s like, ‘I need clout within the next five minutes!’ That’s like what your brain would go to.”

However, Clix responded by saying that Jynxzi was overreacting, and that he wasn’t trying to make any content out of the situation.

“I thought you were going to look at that and just laugh at it, and be like, ‘Wow, bro!’ I didn’t think you would actually get mad over this sh*t, bro. It’s a f*cking stream a year and a half ago with her, bro. Nothing like that at all! Nothing at all!”

However, this didn’t do much to convince Jynxzi, who has unfollowed Clix following the back-and-forth. At time of writing, there has not been any further public communication between the two streamers.