Leviatán head coach Onur unable to attend Valorant Masters after testing positive repeatedly

Declan Mclaughlin
Valorant coach Onur speaks into a microphone to the media at Valorant Champions

Current Leviatán head coach, and former KRÜ Esports head coach, Rodrigo ‘Onur’ Dalmagro, revealed on June 9 that he could not travel with the team to attend Valorant Champions Tour Stage 2 Masters Copenhagen due to Riot Games health policies.

The Argentinian coach said in a statement on Twitter, through a machine translation by Dexerto, that he tested positive for the virus creating the current world health health crisis. He claims that he is outside of the time period in which he can spread the illness, having started showing symptoms on June 28.

Now, 12 days afterword, Onur says he continues to test positive. The coach said in his statement that he is not barred from travelling out of Chile or into Denmark, but that Riot Games’ health policies is the reason he cannot join his team.

He will coach the team remotely according to his statement.

This is not the first time that the 35 year old has been impacted by the world health crisis as it previously cost him a coaching role with the Brazilian LOUD which was described by both sides as a mutual parting of ways.

Leviatán will be coached remotely for Valorant Masters

Leviatán is the first seed from Latin America and defeated Onur’s former team to make the tournament and earn a seed directly in the Valorant Masters playoff stage.

The team has been the second-best squad in the region for some time, falling to KRÜ in the final stages of international tournament qualification multiple times. This is the same squad that, under the organization Australs, won the first domestic Masters event in the region in 2021.

They’re are led by one of the top rated players at the tournament, Vicente ‘Tacolilla’ Compagnon, and made history as the first Latin America squad to make an international Valorant event other than KRÜ.

Fans will have to wait to see how Leviatán will fare without their coach present as they are set to have their first match begin July 14.