Old dog, new tricks: Hiko’s top 10 Valorant plays

Ava Thompson-Powell
Hiko Valorant Champions Tour

Spencer ‘Hiko’ Martin has been one of the most electrifying players in Valorant ever since he made the move over from CSGO, and he’s known for providing some of the best moments in the game.

While the star has moved into a much more supportive role behind his fellow 100Thieves members, he’s still proving that he’s got some great new tricks, too.

He’s consistently one of the most exciting players to watch, and, so, we’ve rounded up 10 of the star’s most fantastic moments within the Valorant scene.

Check out the full video above to find out just where each of these ranks alongside these monumental showings listed below:

Clean 3k and Clutch

In a best of three lower round, and with a clean 2k to hold on to the bomb site, the star entered a showdown against Gen.G’s Shawn ‘Shawn’ O’Riley. Flatlining his opposition with ease, he proved that nobody can out clutch the King.

Sova vs Sova

Up against Andbox’s Aaron ‘b0i’ Thao in a Sova mirror-match, Hiko played as if he had wallhacks and was wise to his opponent’s playstyle, obliterating the player before defusing the bomb and taking the map with a win.

A clean 4k

Another top-ten worthy moment was a monumental clean 4k streak, as the star proved that he doesn’t need fancy skills to take down his opposition. Taking down Luminosity with just the click of his mouse, the star dominated the match in one fell swoop.

Poor TSM

Our top play undoubtedly comes from a showing against TSM. It was match point, and the veteran was in a 1v4, completely surrounded on all sides. While TSM looked set to dominate, Hiko drew out the big guns, and ended the round on a clutch-win that is synonymous with what the world knows him for.

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