Riot reveals Valorant 5-stack tournaments similar to League’s Clash events

Nick Farrell
valorant clash events

During a developer livestream, Riot Games announced that in-game tournaments will be coming to Valorant in the near future, giving 5-stacks an environment to compete against other teams! 

Riot Games tactical FPS Valorant has been one of the best releases in the last year, and recently at the beginning of June they celebrated their one-year anniversary. This coincides with the release of Episode 3 Act 1 and the new agent in the form of KAY/O.

With the game-changing every so often, Riot is looking to add more ways to play the game rather than regular matchmaking. This was announced during a developer live stream on June 21, and players are going to soon have an interesting way to play Valorant.

Jett has received significant changes in Episode 3 Act 1

In-game tournaments coming soon

During the developer stream, Riot announced they are working on a way to implement tournaments every so often for players to play in. This will function similar to the regular Clash tournaments in League of Legends, where players of relatively the same skill level go head-to-head in a bracket-style event to see who’s the best team.

In League of Legends, the winning team of any Clash tournament will receive some in-game skins and cosmetic items. But in Valorant, they noted that winning teams of every tournament will earn a spot in a bigger bracket at the end of Act 1.

That event is only reserved for winners of tournaments throughout the Act, so it will be the best of the best teams!

Riot has also stated that you will be able to enter with teams of five to seven players, giving you a chance to sub in/out players if someone is busy during a match and so on.

However, at the time we do not know when this feature is going to be added into Valorant, but it is still an exciting addition we cannot wait to see.