Sage mains call for a buff after years of neglect in Valorant

Daniel Appleford
Sage Valorant healing

Sage has received multiple adjustments over the last four years in Valorant but her current state has players perplexed.

There are two team healers in Valorant, but only Sage can heal herself. In previous iterations of Valorant, Sage was able to heal herself back to 100 HP regardless of the amount of health loss.

However, now Sage can only heal herself for a max of 30 HP while she can heal others for much more. This was to promote the healing of other agents while keeping her solo-carry ability to a minimum.

But now that Sage is no longer a top agent to pick for competitive, players are calling for a buff.

A post was made on the official Valorant Reddit questioning why Sage could heal herself in the first place, which was rooted in the fact that Sage’s healing does not equate to a bullet from a Phantom or Vandal.

Sage Valorant

“I know it’s meant to deter herself from being able to heal herself, but what about the situations where you took near-lethal damage, and everybody else on your team is healthy? Or when you’re the last person alive with 10hp,” said the original poster.

Several potential solutions were proposed by commenters on how Sage could be buffed in the future. Although they ranged from fully reverting her back to what she was before to making minor tweaks to her self-heal.

“I feel like giving her the full heal but making the cooldown 25-30% longer is a good compromise. Sages could actually heal themselves now but it’s still always better to heal a teammate over yourself,” suggested one commenter.

There have not been buffs made to Sage in a while, with the last well-known buff to her back in 2020. As more agents come into the fold and the meta shifts, it may be time to take a look at what changes could be made to her soon.