Shroud reveals Valorant Agent ability he desperately wants Riot to add

Joe Craven
shroud on sentinels

Sentinels competitor and Twitch streamer Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek has outlined a Valorant agent concept he is desperate for developers Riot Games to add in a future update.

Shroud stunned fans of his Twitch streams and competitive Valorant when, back in July, he announced a return to esports in the form of joining Sentinels’ Valorant roster.

While the move hasn’t panned out perfectly yet, shroud insists he has a lot left to offer in the competitive world of Riot’s FPS.

However, during an August 18 livestream, the former CS:GO pro outlined a Valorant agent he wants to see added by Riot Games, detailing the ability the agent would possess.

Shroud outlines Valorant agent ability he wants to see

Asked by one viewer for an agent ability that doesn’t yet exist but that he’d like to see implemented, shroud outlined a character who would doubtless fit into Valorant’s diverse and creative agent pool.

He said: “I really wanna see an ability of pulling guns to you. Like I wanna be able to – think if your Chamber takes a duel cross-map and owns the guy, I want another agent to be able to grab that gun.”

The ability would supplement existing agents and allow players to be rewarded even more for accumulating kills.

He continued: “Imagine you’re in a 1 v 2 situation and you have a Deag. You swing and you one-Deag the first and then you pull his gun to you and then you have his gun in your hand for the next 1 v 1. It would have to be really fast and snappy though.”

Viewers were generally impressed with shroud’s ideas, suggesting they’d also like to see something similar in-game.

Naturally, Riot will only add agents who they believe can slot seamlessly into Valorant but, given the quality of the idea and its workability, we wouldn’t rule it out just yet.