This Agent is dominating pick rates at Valorant Champions 2023

Declan Mclaughlin

Valorant Champions 2023 has been dominated by one Agent in terms of pick rate throughout the tournament.

Valorant Champions 2023 has seen a lot of Agents grace the stage as teams look to throw opponents off in terms of strategy and get their players on characters that can make a difference. So far only one Agent has yet to make an appearance at the world championship, while every other Agent has seen the stage for at least one map.

One Agent that has been picked consistently across the tournament is Killjoy. The Sentinel has become a staple in the professional meta, despite some slight nerfs, and has been picked 88 times so far at Valorant Champions, according to

Killjoy has been picked on almost every map in the competitive pool. Bind is the only map in which teams opt to not play the Sentinel and instead choose two Controllers with either another Sentinel in the class or a second Initiator or Duelist.

Killjoy leads pick rates at Valorant Champions 2023

In a post about the top picks at Valorant Champions, Sentinels coach Drew ‘DrewSpark’ Spark-Whitworth broke down why Killjoy has dominated the meta at this tournament, and this season.

“Passive lane watching is deemed necessary on a lot of maps by most teams and KJ clears all in that role, hence her pick percentage,” he said.

Killjoy is also seen as one of the few Sentinels worth picking in the current meta as Cypher and Chamber are considered more niche picks at the moment. The newest Agent in Valorant, Deadlock, is a Sentinel but teams have repeatedly said she is too underpowered to warrant a pick in her current state.

The other Agents that have been prevalent at this event include Viper, Raze, Skye and Jett as they all have over 70 picks so far. While these numbers could change as the tournament’s final four series have still yet to be played, Killjoy has already solidified herself as the best Agent, or at least the most picked, at the event.