Valorant players baffled by Iso spike bug that makes no sense at all

Shay Robson
Iso in Valorant

Valorant fans are left feeling a bit confused as one player has uncovered a bug with Iso that makes absolutely no sense at all.

Like many other games, Valorant has had its fair share of bugs and glitches throughout its life. Thankfully, more often than not they’re harmless, and sometimes these glitches even bring a bit more fun to the first-person shooter.

In the past, we’ve seen some hilarious bugs, such as when Killjoy’s turret was able to run rampant around the map. On the other hand, some have been completely game-breaking, for example when you could see their enemies on the minimap, or the infamous Deadlock exploit that would make the Spike disappear and guarantee the player match MVP.

Now, the Valorant community is stumped as one player has found a glitch with the newest Agent Iso that defies the game entirely.

Valorant fans confused by Iso spike bug

In a December 20 Reddit thread, Valorant fan ‘Mashimuno’ shared a bug they found with the rest of the community, demonstrating how Iso can somehow avoid dying when the Spike explodes at the end of the round.

Typically, players caught in the Spike explosion die instantly. However, Iso’s Double Tap ability, which can give the Agent a shield that absorbs one instance of damage, appears to make him invulnerable from the explosion.

In the replies to the thread, players debated how it’s even possible. In an attempt to make sense of the situation, some theorized that while the Spike explosion deals a massive amount of damage, it could just be one tick that allows Iso to absorb the impact.

On the other hand, many believe the explosion actually has several ticks, making the situation bizarre. “The Spike is a ton of ticks of damage. This has to be a bug,” said one. “There are 4 ticks of damage as far as I know,” another added.

“Probably a bug. The explosion is supposed to continue doing damage as long as you’re in it otherwise Reyna should be able to survive this too when she uses dismiss,” a third explained.

It’s not just one instance this has happened either, as another player described their own experience with the “bug” themselves — coincidentally on the same map and the same site.

It’s unclear how it bug occurs, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated with any news if we see a response from the Valorant devs.