Valorant players slam “scam” Duo’s Day bundle

John Esposito
Valorant Duo's Day bundle

Valorant’s Valentine’s Day celebration has seemingly backfired, as the new Duo’s Day bundle has been instantly ripped apart by the community.

If there’s one thing Riot Game’s Valorant is known for, it’s the game’s in-game shop. Open the store, and you’ll see an ever-refreshing marketplace full of outlandish skins with some high price tags attached.

Holidays or events usually bring special in-game bundles for players to purchase, such as Christmas bundles and more. Valentine’s Day is no different, as this year brings the Duo’s Day bundle — a limited-edition package for players to show their love.

However, its appeared to have done more heartbreaking than love sharing, as Valorant players have blasted the bundle to the moon and back.

Valorant players blast Duo’s Day bundle

For 1650 Valorant points or 20 USD, the Duo’s Day Bundle provides nine items — all of them an assortment of gun buddies, titles, player cards, and sprays.

While it might not seem like a problem, before its release, data miners discovered the bundle, and the community believed the bundle would be free. Leading up to the official reveal, Riot Games cosigned this sentiment, with a message telling players to simply log in to earn the bundle.

However, days later, that message was deleted and reuploaded to include a 20 USD price tag attached, and it infuriated the community beyond belief.

The community outrage was even higher in the replies to Riot Games’ announcement of the bundle. Aside from players saying they’re getting ripped off, many of the replies were screenshots like the one above, showing Riot’s backflip.

At the time of writing, Riot Games has not adressed the community outrage, and it is unknown whether they will respond.