VCT Masters Tokyo stats show four Valorant Agents are unused by pros

Declan Mclaughlin
VCT Masters Tokyo

The VCT Masters Tokyo group stage has wrapped up and Agent pick rates show that four characters are completely out of the professional meta.

Valorant, like many live service esports, has a rotating cast of characters that are incredibly useful, or downright unusable, in professional play depending on the game’s patch. VCT Masters Tokyo is ongoing and is being played on Patch 6.10, which means that some once-popular pro Agent picks are not as powerful as they once were.

With the group stage of the tournament finished, enough games have been played to read into the Agent pick rate statistics and glean what Agents are in, and out, of the meta.

Across the 25 maps played in the group stage, only Yoru, Reyna, Chamber and Phoenix have not made an appearance at the tournament.

VCT Masters Tokyo Valorant Agent pick rates show four left out

The biggest shift from years past is the lack of Chamber play. The Sentinel once ran the entire Valorant professional ecosystem and was the most-picked Agent across multiple events. At Valorant Champions 2022, Chamber was picked in over 60% of the matches played.

VALORANT's Chamber posing for the camera
Chamber was once the best Agent to play in professional Valorant.

However, after multiple nerfs and subsequent buffs to other Sentinels, Chamber has fallen completely out of the pro meta. Teams have chosen to replace Chamber with either Killjoy, who has seen her pick rate rise significantly in 2023 thanks to some buffs, or an Agent from another class like Controller or Duelist.

The absence of Yoru, Reyna and Phoenix so far is largely unsurprising. The Duelist trio are already some of the least-picked Agents in pro play, according to The Spike, as there are stronger picks like Jett, Raze and Neon available.

Teams that would usually try out off-meta picks like Yoru and Reyna have either been eliminated from the event, NAVI, or have yet to play a match, Paper Rex.

While these Agents have not yet made an appearance, teams still have a chance to reintroduce them into the current pro meta at VCT Masters Tokyo as the tournament starts up the playoff stage on July 15.