WoW streamer guild OnlyFangs clears Molten Core without a single death

James Lynch
Players fight Ragnaros in Season of Discovery

Popular streamer Sodapoppin’s Hardcore WoW guild OnlyFangs has managed to clear the entirety of the Molten Core raid without a single member of their group dying in the encounters.

World of Warcraft, as an entity, is currently going through somewhat of a renaissance. This seemingly started with the terrifying official permadeath servers before the release of Season of Discovery further increased the hype around the intellectual property.

As a result, many streamers are returning to the game or trying it out for the first time. In Hardcore WoW, Sodapoppin has managed to capitalize on this hype by forming a guild called OnlyFangs, populated by other streamers and notable players on the server.

Now, the group has managed to conquer some of the most challenging content in the game, all without losing one of their own guildmates.

OnlyFangs take down Ragnaros on Hardcore WoW

After a lengthy encounter with the Fire Lord himself, the guild was able to take down Ragnaros and celebrated accordingly.

The guild run through the raid featured notable streamers, including Esfand, AnnieFuchsia and Pokimane, who herself encountered a few difficulties during her Hardcore journey.

Despite the caption of the Tweet above, it is essential to note that this has been done already. In fact, some guilds have managed to clear the far more difficult Naxxramas, all while maintaining their original roster.

Unfortunately for Sodapoppin, this feat has been somewhat undermined by revelations that he purchased Hardcore WoW gold from third-party sellers. Inexplicably, the streamer managed to escape the lengthy ban that usually follows such actions, instead merely having the currency he purchased removed from his inventory by Blizzard.

With so many flavors of WoW currently available, there have been few better times to be an explorer of Azeroth. When the OnlyFangs guild does inevitably capitulate, many can immediately turn to Season of Discovery for their Warcraft fix.