WoW player finds brilliant trick to hold SoD bots “hostage” and stop gold farming

James Lynch
A player discovers a Rune in Season of Discovery bots

As in every flavor of World of Warcraft, bots have been a major presence in Season of Discovery. Thankfully, both the developer and players are fighting back and one in particular has found a genius method of stopping them in their tracks.

Using bots can be a lucrative business, particularly in the seasonal experience. With no WoW tokens available for the community to purchase, many turn to third-party websites to fulfill their currency needs, despite the ever-present risk of a ban.

To earn this currency, gold farmers send their bots into lucrative areas to generate enough income to sell. In Season of Discovery, the Stockades are their best bet, and it is not unusual to see a huge train of bots proceeding to the dungeon’s entrance.

Now, one player has found a genius method to fight back and stop their machinations.

Inviting bots to a raid group stops their progress in Season of Discovery

In a post on Reddit, the player shared an ingenious tip for halting the progress of bots. In it, simply inviting them to a group of any size causes them to stop outside the entrance to the dungeon. Though they haven’t verified it, it’s likely that this works all the way up to a 40-man raid size.

The real kicker is that the player can then promote someone else to group leader and leave. This does not change anything, and the bots will continue to stand still outside Stockades.

Many players were particularly delighted at the revelation. One said: “Perfect job for a Level 1 alt. Make a new char, run to SW, invite 39 bots, convert to and log out. Just leave them there until the end of time. Log on every week to check on your pets, maybe invite a few back that managed to leave.”

Some wanted to warn of the risks of being banned after the bots mass report, but not everybody takes this seriously. One said, “So many people are getting so salty over this post. Imagine the number of people who would be getting banned by accidentally partying up with a bot while questing. I can only imagine these posters being either paranoid or bitter about something else, like their bots being assaulted.

Whatever the case may be with the latter, it’s nice to see players taking direct action against bots. With Blizzard banning thousands of accounts a week, it’s difficult to imagine the number that have to be created each day to maintain their monopoly.